Headteacher Welcome
Welcome to Holy Rosary RC Primary School!
"I come that they may have life, and have life to the full " John 10:10
As Head of Holy Rosary, I wish you a very warm WELCOME. Holy Rosary has a strong, Catholic ethos of which I am proud. Children at Holy Rosary are welcomed into a Catholic Faith community that promotes the Gospel Values in a loving nurturing environment.
Holy Rosary RC Primary School was opened in October 1960 by Bishop Beck and is attached to the Parish Church of the Holy Rosary. The school and church are on the same site, both situated off the Ashton Road, Oldham.
The main building of the school has KS2 and KS1 departments, a Foundation Stage Unit, a large hall and stage/dining area. Within the school grounds, there is an all-weather pitch, Foundation Stage playground and main school playground.
The school sits within the existing Parish boundaries of Holy Rosary and is now part of the parish of Our Lady and St Patrick. The recent Church closure has not prevented the school from celebrating together as a Parish as we hold Masses and Services within the school and welcome members of the local community to join us. We have a strong Chaplaincy team and they have created a small chapel in which to continue their mission. The school continues to support parents and their children in the Salford Diocese Sacramental Programme and this is done with the support of Father Sumner at St. Patricks church, Oldham. Religious Education is very important, it is our aim to reflect the teaching of Christ in all that we do. We aim to create an atmosphere where children will learn to respect themselves and each other, where they will feel secure and recognise the importance of Christ in their lives and begin to explore the meaning of membership of the Catholic Community.
The standard admission number for the school is 30. All classes have support on a daily/weekly basis from the special needs/learning support assistants. The school also employs a peripatetic music teacher for class music, a developmental sports leader and a family & Pupil support officer. A range of extra curricular activities are offered including football, multi-sports and an art and craft club. The school also has a breakfast club which runs every day from 8am.
Great importance is placed on the quality of teaching and learning. The school development plan is reviewed and monitored regularly by governors and senior management.
Holy Rosary’s latest Ofsted inspection in November 2022. The school was judged to be GOOD.
Thank you for showing an interest in our website. Your comments and views are very welcome.
Mrs Cavanagh
Head Teacher