Year 1 – St Francis of Assisi 2024 - 2025

Class Saint - St Francis of Assisi

Picture 3.pngBelongCommitted LoveFaithJoy

"I come that they may have life, and have life to the full" - John  10:10

Welcome to Year 1

Hello and a very warm welcome!

Here you will find information about the themes we are teaching, curriculum and other important information.

Follow us on twitter to see what we have been learning about.


Follow us @HolyRosaryY1

Meet the Year 1 staff 


Miss Taylor

Class teacher


Class Information

  • Reading books – Your child will have TWO reading books. One from our reading scheme BUG CLUB and one from our Phonics scheme. They are excepted to read both weekly, as reading is our top priority.
  • Please check your child’s reading record as to when your child’s books will be changed. Please read and sign it before this day. If you would like to change the day, please let us know.
  • Water bottles welcome everyday.
  • Book bags and reading books in school everyday if possible. This gives us the opportunity to listen to readers who may need more confidence/ struggling.
  • Our PE ready days are Wednesday and Friday.  Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on this day. Earrings must be removed.
  • Homework sheets will be given out on a Monday. The sheet will give an overview of that weeks learning and how to support your child at home. Please speak to staff of you are unsure of any parts of the sheet.