Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)
“A Journey in Love” |
‘A Journey in Love’ is the RSE scheme (Relationship and Sex Education) that we use at Holy Rosary. It is a resource created by Sister Jude Groden of BRES. It is the recommended programme of study for Catholic schools for Relationship and Sex Education, and has been written as a progressive scheme of work that supports the Religious Education, PSHE and Science curricula taught within the school. As children progress through school, they discover more and more about themselves and the wider world. This thirst for learning new things in all aspects of life is fostered by the school, who attempt to create a safe, stimulating environment for learning; supporting all children in their development. | |
Our mission statement which drives the school, attempts to achieve this goal following the Gospel values of truth and respect, understanding our journey as children of God, both special and unique. | |
Central to our work within our school is learning about our faith, including understanding ourselves, our position in our community and how we develop as human beings – our spiritual, social, emotional and physical development. This is how ‘A Journey in Love’ fits in to the school’s curriculum. The scheme permeates through all levels of learning throughout the school. It focuses on friendship, family, community, relationships and spirituality; a guide to the children’s development as young Catholics. | |
As you would expect, not all issues related to personal development are covered by the end of Year 6. The content is age appropriate and is taught with sensitivity, taking into account the children’s level of maturity in regard to the delivery of the lessons. | |
As with all aspects of learning, children are naturally curious and many will have questions related to their lessons. Opportunities to discuss questions form part of the lessons and again these are treated with care and understanding. ‘A Journey in Love’ highlights the importance of parental input and children will be told to discuss their lessons at home. | |
As a parent, you have the right to withdraw your child from Sex Education at any time if you wish to do so however, this is not to be confused with the topics around growing and life cycles within the Science curriculum which is a statutory requirement. |
A Journey in Love programme content:An aspect of the mystery of love is taught in each year group; children are encouraged to marvel at the wonder and beauty of God’s creative love. This is reflected through a series of progressive and developmental tasks, activities and reflections which focus on physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. Sister RSM Jude Groden (Introduction to a Journey in Love) |
Have a look at the video below and the parents’ guide to see an overview of the RSE Scheme. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE INFORMATION VIDEO The following themes are studied in each year group: |
Early Years: The Wonder of being special and unique | |
Year 1: We meet God’s love in our Family Year 2: We meet God’s love in the community |
Year 3: How we live in hope Year 4: God loves us in our differences |
Year 5: God loves us in our changing and developing Year 6: The wonder of God’s love in creating new life |
Consultation Feedback
Thank you for taking time to read the scheme. Feedback was positive about the scheme. Click the buttons below to see what will be taught for each year group. |